Brief about Amazon AWS starting points.......
1. Year 2002 : Initially Launched
2. Year 2003 : Amazon Infrastructure is one of the core strength in market.
3. Year 2004 : Publicly launched with SQS
4. Year 2006 : Re-launched with SQS, SNS & EC2
5. Year 2007 : First launched as a commercialize product in Europe.
And, Major partner was
1. Dropbox
2. Netflix
3. AirBNB
In year 2019, AWS had $35.02 billion in annual revenue.
In year 2019, AWS was 1st highest revenue generator in market and Microsoft was the second highest.
And, In current year it's a Market Leader 'AWS Cloud '
Use Cases:
1. AWS help to build sophisticated, scalable application
2. Help to build application in multiple industries..
Majorly help in enterprise for....
- Enterprise IT, Backup & Storage, Big DATA analytics.
- Website hosting , Mobilr & Social Apps
- Gaming
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