Wednesday, October 12, 2022

003. AWS Global Infrastructure :

 Global Infrastructure:

1. AWS Regions: 

  • AWS has region all around the world
  • Names can be us-east-I, eu-west-3........

2. AWS Availability Zones
3. AWS Data Centers
4. AWS Edge Locations / Points of Presence

Question: If you want to launch a new application then how will you decide the region?


You can decide the region based on the below parameters.

1. Compliance: You have to follow the governance and legal requirements data never leave a region without your explicit permission.

2. Proximity to customers: reduce latency 

3. Available Services within a Region: Because if you are going to launch a new application then you should have used all the new services and features so choose based on the services is also one of the parameters.

4. Pricing: AWS services and features prices varies region to region based on that price varies...

AWS Availability Zone

1. Each region has many availability zone (usually 3, min is 2, max is 6). Example :

  •     ap-southeast-2a
  •     ap-southeast-2b
  •     ap-southeast-2c
2. Each Availbility Zone (AZ) is one or more discreate data centers with redundant power, networking, and connectivity.
3. They are separate from each other, so that they're isolated from disasters
4. They're connected with high bandwidth, ultra-low latency networking.

AWS Point of Presence (Edge Location)

  1. Amazon has 216 points points of presence (205 Edge Location) in 84 cities across 42 countries.
  2. data deliver to end user with very lower latency.

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