Monday, October 17, 2022

008. CLI Configuration


Question-1:  If you delete your IAM user, then it will be deleted from the Root user is this statement is True or False?

Answer:  True.


Once you will delete user from the IAM then it will automatically impact the setting in Root User as well and it will never pop up under Root Users list.

007: In AWS what is the use of Access Key, CLI and SDK ?


We can access AWS Console using below 3 options.

1.        AWS Management Console (protected by password +MFA)

2.        AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) : protected by access keys

3.        AWS Software Development Kit (SDK) – for code: protected by access keys

     ·        Access key generated from the AWS Console.

·        Users manage their own access keys.

·        Access Keys are secret, just like a password so never share with anyone, other user can generate their own access key. By this way use can secure your account.

o    Access Key ID == user name  (It means Access Key ID is work same as your username)

o    Secreat Access Key == password


·        Secreat Access Key == password

 What’s the AWS CLI?

o    AWS CLI is a tool that enable you to interact with AWS services using commands in your command-line interface..using shell scripts.



 What is the AWS SDK?

o    AWS Software Development Kit (AWS SDK)

o    Language-Specific APIs (Set of libraries)

o    Enable you to access and manage AWS services programmatically

o    Embedded within your application

o    Supports

o    SDKs (JavaScript, Python, PHP, .NET, Ruby, Java, Go, Node.ja, C++)

o    Mobile SDKs (Android, iOS, ..)

o    IoT Device SDKs (Embedded C, Arduino…)

Example: AWS CLI is built on AWS SDK for Python 

 How to install AWS CLI for Windows?


Step-1: Search in google ‘AWS CLI Install window’.

Step-2:  follow below link in case

Installing past releases of the AWS CLI version 2 - AWS Command Line Interface (


step-3: open command-prompt

Step-4: Run , aws –version

 Question: Hands-On, how to create access-key?


o    Don’t use root account to create security credential.

o   Warning

o    Never post your secret access key on public platforms, such as GitHub. This can compromise your account security.

o    Go to AWS Command Prompt

o    aws configure


Now, as per above screen shot AWS Secret Key has been configured.

 o    Then use below command, to list all ‘iam’ users.  Using below command.

o    aws iam list-users

This will list all the users in my account.


 AWS CloudShell:

o    All region is not supporting aws cloudshell.

o    To know about which region supports AWS Cloudshell, please serach in google or follow below link

o    AWS CloudShell endpoints and quotas - AWS General Reference (


o Error:

Getting below error message, when using the ‘aws  --version’ command in cloudshell.

aws-cli/2.8.0 Python/3.9.11 Linux/4.14.291-218.527.amzn2.x86_64 exec-env/CloudShell exe/x86_64.amzn.2 prompt/off




o    Before working on CloudShell make sure the region, Because cloud shell is not available for all the region.

o    In CloudShell you can get below functionality




v  IAM Roles for AWS Services:


·       Some AWS service will need to perform actions on your behalf.

·       To do so, we will assign permission to AWS services with IAM Roles.

·       Common roles:

§  EC2 Instance Roles

§  Lambda Function Roles

§  Roles for CloudFormation


IAM Security Tolls

There are two type of IAM roles..

1.        IAM Credentials Report (account-level)

2.        IAM Access Advisor (user-level)



ü  IAM Credential Report (account-level)

·       A report that lists all your account’s users and the status of their various credentials.


ü  IAM Access Advisor (user-level)

·       Access advisor shows the service permissions granted to a user and when those services were last accessed.

·       You can use this information to revise your policies.



You can download the credential report by using below window..


Once the report will download you can see the below information in the downloaded csv file…


This downloaded files hold the both users details (Root  + IAM users) along with complete details.


IAM Guidelines & Best Practices

1.        Don’t use Root account except for AWS account setup.

2.        One Physical user = One AWS user

3.        Assign users to group and assign permission to groups

4.        Create Strong password policy

5.        Use and enforce the use of Multi Factor Authentication (MFA)

6.        Create and use Roles giving permission to AWS services

7.        Use Access Key for Programmatic Access (CLI / SDK)

8.        Audit permission of your account with the IAM Credentials Report

9.        Never share IAM users & Access Keys


IAM Section – Summary

1.        Users: Mapped to a physical user, has a password for AWS Console.

2.        Groups: contains user only

3.        Policies: JSON document that outline permissions for users or groups

4.        Roles: for EC2 instance or AES services

5.        Security: MFA + Password Policy

6.        Access Keys: access AWS using the CLI or SDK

7.        Audit: IAM Credential Reports & IAM Access Advisor.




1.        What is a proper definition of an IAM Role?

Answer : An IAM entity that defines a set of

2.        Which of the following is an IAM Security Tool?

Ans: IAM Credentials Report

EC2 Fundamental

After login with IAM User, if very first time you are going to setup Billing then  you will get below Error Message to overcome with this problem.


Follow the above instruction and try again …



Resolve above issue follow below step.


Step-1: Login with your Root Account.


Step-2: Click on the Right hand side top corner and  select MyAccount from drop down.



Step-3: Scroll down the below page and select


Then, Click on ‘Edit’ button and Activate IAM Access. Update it



Now, Go to the IAM User login page and refresh the page your problem will resolve technically and you will get the below page.



·       Once your above problem gets resolve you can set your own budget under the IAM User login.

o   Step-1: In the below Screen click budget

o   Step-2: Click on budget, and set all the Alert-1, and Alert-2 as a forecast to avoid any extra used during your AWS learning.



Using Public IPv4 using http:// not https:// below page will open successfully….









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